What: The Microbiome Center presents a Microbiome Research Symposium! We invite any and all researchers from the microbiome field at the University of Chicago, Marine Biological Laboratory and Argonne to apply to present (junior investigators and trainees are encouraged to apply). FREE REGISTRATION!
When: March 30th, 2023 2-7pm
Where: KCBD 1103
Who: Researchers (grad students, post docs, staff researchers, faculty, etc.) from all disciplines are invited to give a 5 minute talk with 3 minutes Q&A (Time subject to change) on a topic related to microbiome research.
How: REGISTER FOR THE ZOOM HERE --> https://uchicago.zoom.us/meeting/register/tJMkdu6rpjgoHtEdMxlpF9nkEIopF6OVDf-E
In person and speaker registration has closed
**The symposium will conclude with dinner and networking**
This symposium is a graduate student lead initiative in order to encourage student participation.